Sunday, 28 January 2018

Good and bad photographic habits that you should adopt or reject

This Article is Written by SS Wedding Photography - Candid Wedding Photographers in TrichyA couple of days ago we started this special about photographic customs that we are going to conclude today. If we start talking about those bad habits that are worth trying to eliminate, in this second part we are going to talk about the good habits that we should all promote and that we hope will help you improve your photographic practice.
It's about customs that maybe you did not know, or that you did know but you have not incorporated to your way of taking pictures, maybe out of laziness, maybe because you do not know how to do it. And of course it is also possible that you already follow many of these habits and this reading only serves to reaffirm that you are doing well. In any case, they are habits that you are interested in adopting, taking into account that photography is a continuous learning process.

Take pictures every day

Surely you've heard about those projects of 365 photos in 365 days that consist of taking a picture every day of the year. It is a very laudable purpose that can come very well to develop your knowledge and advance your hobby (and in the process document your life).
Of course, we would recommend that you do not obsess, that you take it easy and if one day you cannot, do not worry. More than a project that you have to comply with the letter should be a purpose shoot daily, to learn and enjoy photography. Do not disdain to start any other type of photographic project (like the ones we tell you here).

Try any type of camera

We do not get tired of saying that the camera is not the most important thing , so another good habit is to try to take pictures whenever you can and with whatever camera . Try different models of the camera is always interesting to evolve, and if you do not always have the phone on hand to practice and try to make good pictures with it (i.e., not limit to point and shoot).
Of course, another good habit is to always carry a camera with you. If your equipment is big and heavy and you do not want to carry it, think about buying a small and light camera that you always carry over, like an advanced compact.

Prepare the material well

Before going out to the street to take pictures, you should check your photographic equipment well and make sure there is space on the memory card and that you have spare, in addition to the batteries are charged. In this sense, as we tell you in this article, another good habit to adopt is to charge the batteries regularly and alternate the one you use.
Also, taking into account that the cleaning of the equipment is important, another habit that you are interested in adopting is to clean the camera, the lens and others after each session (even if apparently clean) with the right material, of course.

Small precautions when taking photos

While you are photographing there are some precautions that will help you protect your equipment (and if you have some experience, you will know). One can be to place the parasol permanently to protect the objective against possible blows and falls. Another good measure is, for when you want to change the lens, do it in a place where there is the least possible risk (no dust in suspension, any water vapor, etc.) and always do it with the camera facing down.
Another precaution refers to the security of your photographic equipment before a possible interest of the "lovers of the alien". To do this, it is interesting to avoid the almost always striking camera straps, which usually feature brand new logos and sometimes also the name of the model. You can try to turn them around; although it is almost better to buy a more discreet one (I for example use a neoprene that also gives me comfort). The other recommendation is to buy a bag or backpack that also opts for discretion.

Take notes

The habit of taking notes on the photos taken was a very common practice in the times of chemical photography, when we did not have EXIF data to take us to the mouth and had to aim manually the speed, diaphragm and others that we had used to make a picture if we wanted to remember it later.
But even now that we have these data easily, it is not a bad idea at all, especially since not all of them are exhibition data, but it is interesting to point out details about the situation in which the photograph was taken, the prevailing climate, the time and location, etc. All this has a lot to do with one of the bad habits that we discussed in the previous installment, the one of taking photos hastily (you know, the blast only when necessary) and without thinking.

By the way, this book of notes does not have to be saved with the camera when editing the photos but it can also be very useful to point out things related to post-processing to remember them later (such as the steps given in Photoshop with a certain photo) .
Make yourself an "inspiration book"

It is a book to inspire you when making your next photographs or where to take an example to practice a certain technique. It can be physical, for example with cut-outs of photographs, or virtual (perhaps more appropriate for the times that run). For example with saved pins from Interest, or "Like" Integra, even a folder on your mobile where you save photos that you collect. Be that as it may, this habit is sure to help you develop your creativity.

Shoot without fear

Yes, evidently this habit does not stop being a "return to the tortilla" of the bad one that we already gave in the previous article with the title "Udder mucho". The point is that it is convenient to get used to taking pictures without caring what people think about, something that usually costs when you do not have much experience.
Think that it is natural to look at you when you are taking pictures, for example, a bush (those "weird things" that only photographers do); which does not mean that it bothers them. So do not cut yourself to shoot, even if it is to portray strangers that then there will always be time to ask permission or, in the worst case, delete the photos.

Download the photos and make backups

It usually does not happen but sometimes the memory cards get damaged and cause us to lose the information that it contains. Therefore, a good practice is to get used to downloading the photos as soon as you get home. In this way you will always be sure to have the images on your computer and you will not run the risk of losing them due to having to dump them and overwrite them in memory.
In line with the above, it is a great practice to get used to periodically backing up our data, including photos of course. Because no one is free to have the hard drive damaged and, therefore, lose everything saved, it is a habit that should be obligatory rather than recommended.
To do so, you have several alternatives, starting with using an alternative hard drive that you use for backup (for example, an external hard drive). Another possibility is to record the data on DVD or Blurry physical discs, and the third would be to make backups in the cloud. These last two are less recommended for photographers given the amount of data needed, but in any case the important thing is to do it.

Clean images often

Even if you do not abuse the blast and think about every photo you make, it's more than possible that you end up with your hard drives crammed with images. That's why a good practice is that, once the images are overturned, you dedicate some of your time to erase the failed shots or those that do not interest you to avoid their excessive accumulation.
If you use Light room, you can see the images and decide the ones that are not worth it in a simple way: With one hand, be ready to press the "X" of your keyboard when you want to reject a photo, and with the other one go through the photos with the keys of direction. When you finish, you will only have to press the Delete key to delete all those that you have marked as rejected.

Cultivate your look

Our last advice is something we always say. To improve our creativity nothing like cultivating our spirit by seeing photographs, reading books from the field, visiting specialized websites, attending exhibitions, conferences, workshops ... And of course it is not just about photographs, also about painting, sculpture, cinema or any type of art.
Any class is valid (the more the better), although it is interesting not only to see things of our preferred genres, nor to be afraid to experiment or copy what we see, since it is also a way of learning (and you can always contribute your own style). Personal). Think about absorbing images to learn, inspire and develop your own creativity, since deep down we are talking about the art of creating images.

And so we end up hoping that, as always, our advice will be useful. Once again, as we did in the first delivery, we thank you for sending us your own contributions on good habits to adopt.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

20 original ideas to deliver the bouquet

The moment of the launch of the bouquet is one of the most funs and expected by the guests. Do something different so that everyone remembers you with love and do not forget a single detail of your wedding. SS Wedding Photography - Candid Wedding Photographers in Trichy
It has cost you to decide between the different types of bridal bouquets that you liked. In the end you have chosen the one that most suited your style and the wedding dresses that you are going to wear that day. You are putting a lot of effort to organize each and every moment of your big day and the launch of the bouquet will not be less important. Among all the original ideas for weddings that we can show you, take note of these, and make the moment to launch the bouquet unique and special.

1. Where does this tradition come from?
It dates back to the fourteenth century, when the wedding guests removed the league to the bride. Later it was the bride herself who took off the league to throw it to the guests. The Catholic Church did not see this tradition with good eyes, as it is an intimate garment and it was then when it was decided to do it with a bouquet of white flowers that represented the purity of the link and the good luck of who received it.

2. Only one branch?
If you want more than one of your guests to have the opportunity to take the bouquet, choose one that is made up of several smaller natural bridal bouquets attached by the stems. At the time of release, will be released and appear several bouquets.

3. Do it by dancing
Choose that song with which your friends and you always go crazy at parties or check out the list of romantic songs for weddings and invite everyone to dance while you throw your bouquet. It will be fun for everyone, not just for those who are waiting for the flowers.

4. The blind hen
Everyone knows this game. Women who want to try to catch the bouquet should blindfold. This way it will be more difficult and exciting when it falls into the hands of one of them. Do it in a large space and carefully so that none of them collide or fall over.

5. Bouquet with surprise
Imagine the face that is going to stay who takes the bridal bouquet if inside it is also some original details for weddings. Anything you can hide between the petals, a bracelet, a survival kit, and some fun memory of that day, whatever you can think of.

6. from the heights
If there is a terrace or balcony from which to throw the bouquet while the guests wait below, it will be a different and original way to fulfil this tradition and to capture original snapshots of this moment.

7. Hang the bouquet
Hang the bouquet of a rope and let the guests who really want to get it "fight" to reach it. You will laugh a lot and it will be one of the funniest moments of the party.

8. Message in a bouquet
In the style of a message in a bottle, write some pretty words dedicated to the lucky one that reaches your bridal bouquet. The emotion of the moment will be multiplied by this unexpected show of affection.

9. Change of papers
Leave everyone open-mouthed at the last moment and let the groom throw the bridal bouquet to the guests. What is different is original.

10. Choose who you want to throw it
The traditional thing is that the bride throws, that's what your branch is for. Surprise your sister or your best friend by asking her to be the one who has the honour to do so. Neither she nor the guests will wait for it, so it will be a double surprise.

11. The release of the groom
Surprise the guests by letting the groom throw the bouquet among the single men at the wedding. And let the bride throw the league to women. It is one of the fun ideas for weddings that everyone will love. It's about having fun, is not it? Well, that has to be done.

12. Includes married women
Tradition says that the single guests should be the ones who dispute the bride's bouquet. The one that takes it will be the next to get married. But customs can evolve. Do not leave anyone out of this beautiful act and participate both married and single. Meaning can be reduced to luck in love.

13. Give it to someone special
Maybe your idea is not to follow the tradition of launching it and you prefer to give it to your sister, your best friend or your grandmother. Do it. It will be one of the most exciting moments of the day, no doubt. Maybe you can think about making a replica of the bouquet and thus, your guests do not remain without it. That already, is your choice.

14. for the veteran couple
There is always a couple at weddings that have been married all their lives. Can you imagine what face your grandparents will put if you give them your bridal bouquet? Emotion and affection are assured.

15. for the next couple to marry
Your best friend, your partner's little cousin, your brother-in-law. Who are the next ones to get married? Give them your bouquet so that your marriage begins just as happy as yours. It will be a very special detail that you will never forget.

16. Pass the bouquet
Another original way to deliver the bridal bouquet is to do it through a game. Place all your guests in a circle. Let the bouquet go to the rhythm of the music. When the DJ stops it, the one who has it will have to leave the game. The last one left will be the lucky one.

17. Petals of luck
Write your initials and those of your partner on a rose petal. Put it, along with many others in a glass case. The guests will have to pick up a petal each one during the ceremony. Those who find the marked petal will return home with the bridal bouquet.

18. The set of ribbons
Tie a ring to a ribbon and this to the bridal bouquet. Tie another handful of ribbons to the stem of the flowers and give one end to each guest. The one who pulls the tape and finds the ring will be the one lucky in love.

19. Raffle the bouquet
Ride a small tombola. It is something that is not usually seen at weddings and can be very fun. Hand out ballots to all the guests and organize a raffle, for example, after the banquet, before starting the celebration. Original and fun

20. The children's bouquet
You cannot forget about the children who will attend your link. One idea they will love is to have them their own artificial bridal bouquets. Make a replica of yours with jelly beans and candies and enjoy the same traditions as adults.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Great ideas for small weddings

Great ideas for small weddings. In the planning of every wedding, there comes an inevitable moment when an important decision must be made. Is to marry two or three hundred guests or bet on one of those small weddings that always keeps a good memory. Wedding Photographer in Trichy

Many brides prefer that their big day is celebrated in a more intimate setting, that the party is as private as possible and that only the close circle of friends of all life and family direct witness the moment of yes I want. If it is your case, your goal should be to achieve a wedding ten in which you enjoy as never before and where everyone has a good time from the first moment.

small wedding ideas

Small Wedding Ideas 

Fun proposals for small weddings

Small weddings offer many possibilities that in larger ones could never be carried out. The advantage is that, since you also have more time to plan, you can take care of:

Customize your great day to the fullest.

Take charge of the elaboration of the details of homemade wedding.
Design a plan that guarantees that the guests do not stop being surprised.
Unlike mass weddings, small weddings can adopt a faster pace, which is especially noticeable in the transition between the different phases of the celebration. This agility allows you to:

Invest a little more time at the time of the aperitif and base it on live food shows. The show cooking can be complemented with still lifes so you can enjoy the best tapas or specialties of the world cuisine of your choice.

Small Wedding Ideas 

Combine the moment of the dance with a chill out area. In this way, all the guests can find their favorite option: those who want to dance without stopping can approach the track and not stop moving to the rhythm of the music you have chosen for your wedding. Those who prefer a more relaxed atmosphere can enjoy a lounge space that you have conveniently decorated to create that bohemian and relaxed atmosphere that will help you feel at home. small wedding ideas 

Introduce games or some other type of entertainment in a big way: a bouncy castle, a pool of colorful balls, a photo booth , a sack race, a game of four or three in a row in XL, a roulette where the needle will mark the action to be carried out (kisses for the bride and groom, for example) or a pinata with some fun shape and from which will fall candy, confetti or whatever you choose.

Prepare a re-dinner in conditions , and take your time to enjoy it as only in small weddings can be done. At the time of the dinner you can take a moment to make a nod to one of your favorite topics , such as Italy, travel, movies or childhood snacks. small wedding ideas 

Friday, 12 January 2018


Right Way Wrong WaySometimes we are thrilled to have taken a great photograph, but when we see it, either on the computer or printed out, there could be any number of things wrong with it and we feel disappointed. Most of these problems can be prevented or fixed if we just know what’s causing them in the first place. Here are five of the most basic mistakes photographers make.

1. One of the most common mistakes in taking a photograph is that it turns out too dark. What makes this happen? Basically, not enough light is the cause – it’s called under-exposure. This happens when a photo has been taken indoors when the artificial light is just too dim and no flash has been used. To prevent this, bring in some extra lamps or position the subject closer to a window. Outside, lack of light could be caused by it being too late in the evening, or the shutter speed was too fast for the light conditions. In this case, manually adjust the shutter speed if possible. In both cases, flash may be used for extra light. Most photo software allows you to adjust the lighting of your photos.

2. Red-eye is a common problem. The flash reflecting on the enlarged iris causes this. When we are in dimmer light than normal, our irises enlarge to let in more light. When the flash goes off, it refects on the iris and red-eye is the result. Either don’t use a flash or take two pictures with flash one after the other quickly. The first flash will cause the iris to contract; the second flash will get you a picture with no red-eye. Be careful you don’t get your subject when they are blinking. Most cameras have a red-eye removal feature. Photo software features include red-eye removal with just a few clicks.

3. Blurred photos are another cause of disappointment. Three main reasons that photos come out blurry are (a) camera shakes, (b) subject movement due to shutter lag, and (c) lack of light. To prevent your camera from shaking either use a tripod or steady yourself against something solid to take the picture. It helps to gently squeeze the button rather than depressing it quickly. If subject movement is the problem, focus the camera, then depress the button to half-way down. Wait for that moment of stillness before fully depressing the button. If you want your subject to be moving for the shot, use the action mode on your camera. If lack of light is the problem either slow down the shutter speed or use the automatic night scenery mode – and a tripod with both.

4. Subject is too far away – use the zoom feature or get closer to the subject. After the event, use the crop and enlarge features of your software.

5. Photos look too light with details washed out. This is caused by over-exposure. Usually it is a bright and sunny day that causes deep shadows. The camera tries to ‘fix’ the shadows at the expense of the light. Take photos in bright shade or use a flash, which will cast a more even light. Use software to darken it afterwards.

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