In previous posts we talked about how to organize the honeymoon , to choose the wedding cake, the types of bridal bouquets … we even did an infographic with peculiar customs of different countries and cultures . But today we want to ask ourselves where these traditions that we have most deeply rooted in our culture come from and which we consider normal in the celebration of weddings in Spain.
The new, the old, the blue and the borrowed . Let’s start with something very common, surely of this you already know the meaning. It is said that on the day of the wedding, the bride must wear something new, for the new stage that begins; something old, for what it leaves behind, the past life; something blue, because it is associated with fidelity and commitment; and something borrowed, which must be from some other nearby woman who is happily married and with some symbolism to give her luck.
Blue handbag with embroidered detail
Throw the bouquet. Some people place their origin in the Arab culture where the white flowers of the bouquet were given as a symbol of fertility and other versions believe that it may come from a French tradition of the fifteenth century in which it was believed that it was lucky to take a piece of the dress of the girlfriend. The current symbolism is clear, it is about “passing on the witness” and choosing who will be the next to marry. There is someone who throws it or who prefers to hand it directly to a specific person.
Organize a wedding Throw the bouquet
Throw rice. In this case it is agreed that the tradition would have its origin in the East where rice is the mainstay of their diet and also a symbol of prosperity and fertility. So when we throw rice to the bride and groom on their way out as husband and wife, we are wishing them good luck and a prosperous life. More recent is the custom of throwing flower petals but it also has a similar meaning since they are related to happiness.
Throw rice
White dress. The meaning of this tradition is known by almost all, formerly associated with the bride came virgin to marriage and the white represented its purity. That in Western or Christian countries because in Islam black is the color that purity represents and in oriental countries like Japan or India it is traditional for the bride to wear red.
Bridal fashion
Types of wedding dresses
Types of wedding dresses
The veil. Dressing this accessory could respond to a superstition if we go back to ancient Rome. then it was believed that it frightened the evil spirits away from the bride because they would be jealous of their happiness.
Original weddings
The wedding cake Another tradition that could come from the Romans, it seems that in classical Rome was custom to break a bread on the head of the bride to wish happiness, then the guests ate the pieces. Later, in some parts of Europe such as France and England, the guests brought sweets for the bride and groom as an offering, they blessed them and then shared them among all present.
Cut the cake
Exchange of alliances. A beautiful custom that also comes from many years ago, it is believed that the Egyptians already “sealed” the union in marriage with rings as a symbol of love, dedication and fidelity. The fact of placing them in the ring is believed to come from the Greeks since according to them that finger communicated directly with the heart.
Exchange of rings
Honeymoon. It could have two explanations, the first and simplest is that it is the first night of weddings and should be associated with a sweet moment, like honey. But the origin could be due to the Teutons (Celts who lived in Germany in the Middle Ages) who celebrated weddings at night with great parties under the light of the moon and, to recover from the dreaded hangover, they took water with honey as a remedy.
Honey moon trip
On the left. Maybe you have overlooked it but the bride should always sit to the left of the groom, either at a church or civil wedding. A possible explanation comes from the medieval era, when the couple kidnapped the ladies. They needed to have their right hand free and ready to wield the sword and get up to fight if the family of the bride came to rescue her.
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