Tuesday, 25 September 2018

10 golden rules to lose weight in a healthy way

10 golden rules to lose weight in a healthy way

This article presented by ss wedding photography trichy. Improve eating habits and practice sports are the keys to get rid of those requites more effective and healthy before your wedding. Ready? These tips will help you achieve your goal.

If you are in full organization of your link and want to lose a few kilos it is important that you focus on food. Do you remember the phrase "if you want different results you should do things differently"? Well, you should apply it to your day to day, avoiding falling into the "rescued" miracle diets that, in most cases, tend to have a "rebound effect". The best weight loss plan is one in which weight loss occurs gradually. With a little time and effort, you will be radiant in a mermaid dress with a beautiful heart neckline, which you will wear with high-heeled bridal shoes to further stylize your figure. Or in the case that you are the promised, so that you look good with your Groom suit , even if it is a slim model .best kalyana mandapam in coimbatore

Where to start? Very easy! Following these practical tips you will have the guaranteed success whether you have to do regimen only you or if you are going to do it as a couple. 

1. There are no prohibited foods
The menus of any diet should maintain the ideal balance between vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. Do not exclude any large food group . The key is in balance and, also, in moderation. In fact, consuming a wide variety of nutritious foods, including fats (provided they are not trans or saturated), helps to satisfy you and, therefore, prevents you from overeating. For example, do not hesitate to enjoy fatty products during the diet, such as nuts, salmon or avocado. The key is not to abuse them. If you want a predetermined diet, it is best to go to a professional to advise you individually.

2. Heat deficit
To lose weight there is no other way that your body burns more calories than it ingests: the so-called caloric deficit. And there are two ways to achieve it: decreasing the calories you consume and / or increasing your metabolic rate through regular exercise . But remember that the body needs different expense depending on sex, height, weight and level of physical activity.

3. You have to sweat ... Long live physical activity!
There are no excuses. Perhaps the organization of the wedding is stolen longer than expected, especially if you have decided on a homemade wedding invitations , done thoroughly one by one, or you are looking for inspiration and endless ideas for the photo call , but if there is a Well invested time is in health and regular exercise is the formula of success.

Keep in mind that the amount of energy you will spend practicing sports will be determined by the intensity and duration of it. The aerobic exercise like running, swimming, walking or cycling light are those who consume more energy. Every effort will be little to make you look divine on day B with the straight wedding dress chosen for the occasion or the tight Hugo Boss suit .

4. Tips to satisfy yourself
Diet is always associated with starvation, although nothing is further from reality. Keep in mind that the key is not so much in the quantity, but in the quality of the food. You have to know how to choose and always opt for those who have a low caloric intake. Besides, did you know that spices have a satiating effect ? In addition, many are fat burners, such as curry, cayenne pepper or turmeric. So season your recipes with them. And, between hours, take infusions . They will be great allies when it comes to taking away your sensation of hunger.

5. Say "no" to heat ies v ACIAS and "yes" to green vegetables
The industrial bakery, flour, alcohol, sugary soft drinks ... These types of products provide a lot of energy without hardly providing nutrients , so you should give them up if you want to lose weight. Obviously you can bet on them in the celebration of the link, because there are endless ideas for candy bar of the most tempting. But avoid them, at least, for the moment. In the day to day it consumes at least 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables. And remember: green vegetables are the best to lose weight.

6. Attention to drinks!
On average, an adult person needs to drink about 8 glasses of water a day although, of course, if you exercise you should hydrate yourself more. Do you want to consume other drinks? Think that shakes, industrial fruit juices, soft drinks or alcoholic beverages are an important source of calories . Try to limit your consumption because, you know, everything adds up!

7. And, of course, do not give up social life
The restaurants every time have gastronomic proposals more healthiest . Select dishes with less heavy culinary techniques, that is, raw, grilled, steamed or baked . Run away from the batter and the fried ones, and ask for the sauces and dressings to be served separately. For dessert choose fruit and try to moderate with bread and, as we said, with caloric beverages.

8. Compensates for excesses
It is not always easy to be equally constant. So if you have spent a bit on food, for example, dinner lighter to compensate the total calories ingested . It may be a bit complicated to be as much as you want, but when you start to see the results, it will have been worth the effort.

9. Sleep at least 7 hours a day
Sleeping little negatively influences the weight, because there is a direct relationship between sleep and metabolism. So in your daily "diet" you should consider sleeping between 7 or 8 consecutive hours. Otherwise, the body will have more difficulty burning the calories consumed.

10. Graphic memory
To help you in the diet there are different methods. One of them is to take photographs of the process, as it is very motivating to check the change . Another trick is to place a motivating phrase on the refrigerator door. It can be very useful in case you want to give yourself "a whim" at some point. 

As you can see, following a diet as balanced as possible and practicing exercise on a regular basis only has benefits and, among other things, will allow you to have a more awake mind. A great help when it comes to selecting the most current wedding songs to sound the great day, for example, and to choose the best wedding details . The big day is coming!

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