Monday, 26 November 2018

Learn how to choose the place of reception for your wedding

Article By SS Wedding Photographers in Trichy. Are you and your partner looking for the perfect reception place for your wedding? Finding a location that meets all your needs and desires can be difficult, but do not give up! It may seem like a hopeless task to choose the place of reception for your wedding right now; But here are several tips to help you find the perfect place!

Choose the place of reception for your wedding ... Moreover, the place for the ceremony
While instinct is probably telling you to get into your car and visit as many local sites as possible at this time, do not grab your keys yet. First, you must make a critical decision about your wedding and reception. Take the time to answer this question: do you want your ceremony to take place in the same area as your reception?

Learn how to choose the place of reception for your wedding

If you get married in a church, this may not be possible. However, some churches have indoor and outdoor spaces available for receptions. Of course, you are not obligated to use it if you do not want to. The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to choosing a place of reception. Some of the most popular locations include:

  • Hotel or resort
  • Historic building
  • Country club
  • Public or private garden.
  • Favorite restaurant
  • Cellar or vineyard
  • Public or private beach.
  • Public or private park
  • The house of the family or a friend
  • Your patio
  • Your garden

The conclusion here is that you do not have to choose a single place for your ceremony and reception. Many couples opt for guests to move after the wedding and this is completely fine. Sometimes it works better because it gives couples much private time to take pictures.

Learn how to choose the place of reception for your wedding

Your wedding theme sets the tone
Have you and your fiancé already established an idea for your wedding? You have to take it into account when choosing the place of reception for your wedding. While an item is not necessary, many couples feel that having one personalizes the event. Common themes include classic, rustic, vintage, bohemian, nautical and tropical. If you choose a wedding theme, it is essential to do so before reserving your reception location.
In many cases, your topic will have a significant impact on the types of reception locations that are most appropriate. You will have to decide between inside and outside, for example. If you prefer the interior, the style and architecture of the building will be necessary. Having a firm idea of ​​your wedding theme will also allow you to better plan the decorations.

Define the options by their potential
While you are looking for the perfect location, it is essential to keep an open mind. After all, you can do a lot with the decorations.  A large, spacious and clean space may seem unattractive now, but by the time reception arrives, it will completely transform.

Instead of focusing on and worrying about minute details, pay attention to the general issues. In this way, finding a place of reception is very similar to buying a new house. It may not fit your vision now, but you can do a lot with it once you've "moved out." Keep in mind the essential aspects. Is the space large enough for your guest list? Can you decorate it as you want? Does the architecture or landscaping complement your theme? Sometimes all a space needs is a little imagination!

Logistics is important
There is a significant amount of logistics that you should consider when choosing a place for your wedding reception. Consider the following factors:

Catering and alcohol
Does the reception place you have in mind have catering options? If not, can you bring your food and refreshments? Some public parks and gardens have strict codes regarding food on the premises. This is even more common with alcohol.

Is the place private? Again, it's possible that many outdoor locations do not offer you the privacy you need ... if you need it. If you do not care what strangers look at you and your guests, this aspect does not matter at all.

Whether you are inside or outside, enlightenment should be a consideration. The one that is available is enough or will you need to incorporate more? Another critical question is whether there is electricity available at your outdoor reception location. Will you need to use generators for lights and the sound system? Where are the points of sale and how many of them are there?

Parking lot
Parking is another significant factor that requires careful evaluation before deciding on a reception location. If you are renting a space, parking is likely to be available.

Tips to make the wedding toast a success

You may only think of the time of the wedding toast as a precursor to the rest of the reception; The father of the bride says a few words, the boyfriend's best friend says another and to celebrate as God intended! But in reality, it is an important event that sets the tone for the rest of the wedding. Also, it is an excellent way for family and friends to relax before dinner.  Guests have the opportunity to mingle and transition between the ceremony and the reception party.

Tips to make the wedding toast a success

The wedding toast hour does not have to be complicated, but you do want it to be unique and show some consideration and creativity. Here are the seven best tips for a killer cocktail hour before your wedding reception.

Create a cocktail bar to liven up a little
Sure, you can have a waiter to deliver the champagne but one way to personalize the time of the wedding toast and fun is to have a cocktail bar created by yourself. Provide your guests with all liqueurs and dressings such as cherries, olives or fresh mint.

Tips to make the wedding toast a success

Think of the seats
Not all your guests will want to have a position and may prefer to mix, but some of your guests (especially the older ones) will want to have a place to sit and relax while they drink their drinks and nibble on their snacks. Create a variety of seating and standing areas, where guests can have their drinks and have enough space to meet during the wedding toast hour.

You do not have to offer all kinds of wine or champagne
While it is understandable that you want to please all your guests by offering several options of wine and champagne, the truth is that there is no way you have the favorite brand of all. To keep things simple, provide a couple of red options, a couple of whites and a few choice beers that are sure to go well. This way, you will not have tons of leftovers and will keep your budget under control.
Do not have too much food
When you organize an event, there is a tendency to assume that your guests will go hungry and stay that way throughout the night. Although it is entirely correct to make sure your guests are well fed, you do not want to overfeed them during the toast hour and ruin their appetite for dinner. Not only do you want your guests to remain hungry during the meal to enjoy it, but you do not want to waste a lot of food  (and, therefore, money).

Regardless of the type of food, you decide to serve during the cocktail hour, which does not require the use of a fork to eat it. Not all guests will want to sit down with a fork and knife while they drink their drinks and listen to another one speak. Make it easy for your guests to serve them food that they can quickly put in their mouths or grab a cocktail napkin while they order another beer or listen to your dad talk about your childhood days. Having foods that require utensils only makes everything infinitely more complicated, so just make it simple!

Learn how to make the proposition with the help of pets

Article By SS Wedding Photographers in Trichy. Dear boyfriend, are you looking for an exciting way to ask the big question? With so many potential ideas out there, it can be difficult to know which one is best suited for you as a couple. However, if you and your partner are animal lovers, the proposal with the help of pets seems like a great idea.

The proposition with the help of pets

Incorporating a furry friend (or not so furry) into your proposal may be the perfect solution. Executing this adorable feat is not tricky, but there are some things you should consider before visiting your local pet store. This is what you should know about the proposition with the help of pets.

Learn how to make the proposition with the help of pets

It can be a new pet or one that you already have
You do not have to buy or adopt a new pet for your proposal. If any of you already have a dog or a cat (or any other animal, indeed), it may be more meaningful to incorporate them. There are hundreds of incredible ways to do this, including tying a sign to your dog's neck or tying the engagement ring to your cat's collar. A new pet, however, can be a surprise!

A pet is the perfect replacement for a ring
Some couples are really choosing to forego buying an engagement ring altogether. A new pet is not only less expensive but taking care of it and training it will bring them both closer. Also, the collars do not curl up like a new puppy does and no one will judge how much you love your partner based on the size of your cat.

Using a rescued animal is a great idea
With so many lost and abandoned animals that need understanding families, you can feel good about providing a home forever.  The day you propose will be meaningful and memorable for the rest of your lives. It could be even more exceptional since the adoption of a dog, a cat or another creature improve (and in some cases, saves) a third life as well. Just think, you three can start a new trip together!

The photos will be incredible
The animals are adorable. It does not matter if it's a two-month-old puppy, a ten-year-old cat or a twenty-seven-year-old box turtle; Your presence will significantly improve the opportunities for photos and videos during your proposal. What is better? Even exceptionally well-trained animals can surprise you! You are likely to end up with some brightly involuntary September commitments that the two of you can laugh at in the next few years.

Your pet can also participate in your wedding
Whether your pet is a new addition or is already a staple of the family, having him involved in both his commitment and the wedding ceremony can be extremely significant. This is especially true if it was instrumental in the delivery of the ring (or if it worked like the ring). There are dozens of ways to do it, by merely incorporating your baby animal into wedding photos or using it as the official ring bearer. The options are endless, and the two can have fun together sharing fun ideas.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

How to show off your perfect tan at your wedding

How to show off your perfect tan at your wedding

This article presented by ss wedding photography trichy. If day B is just around the corner and you want to dazzle all those present with a dark skin scandal that stands out in contrast to the wedding dress, discover all the tips to tan in record time. Ready?

Surely the day of your wedding you want to highlight the whiteness of the wedding dress with a homogeneous tan that goes from the instep, finishing off the bridal shoes , to your face, going through the arms, the neckline and the back. best kalyana mandapam in Coimbatore. To achieve this, there are different ways: the natural ones, which go through sunbathing, adequately protecting the skin, and artificial ones. If there is not much left for the happiest day of your life and you want to see yourself as a brunette, it is best to turn to the latter, as you will accelerate the process and achieve the desired result. What does it consist on? We explain them all to you so that you can choose the most appropriate technique in your case. And discuss all the secrets with your closest family and friends so that they too look radiant with their party dresses !

Prepare the body for the sun
You can promote segregation of melanin that produces dark drinking plenty of water and choosing creams moisturizers, collagen and vitamin E . Add the latter to your regular diet, as well as foods rich in vitamin C, carotene and beta-carotene , manganese and tyrosine: fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and vegetable, olive and sunflower oils.

By the way, you will favor other aspects of your health: you will take care of the line , particularly if you have chosen a mermaid-cut wedding gown fitted at the waist that highlights your curves, and will strengthen the lustrous hair of your natural hairstyle for day B.

UVA rays sessions
Although there is controversy about the consequences of UVA rays on the skin - it is said that they fight psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, among other advantages, although their abuse can also produce negative consequences - on such an exceptional occasion as your wedding can that you prefer to leave your tan in the hands of experts .

Go to a specialized center and advise yourself properly. Taking into account the color of your skin, your hair and your eyes will indicate the minutes you can stay tanning in each session and they will explain the different types of existing machines: UVA rays with or without UVB rays, horizontal or vertical ... But yes, avoid exposing yourself to the sun.

Natural tan with sugar cane
Now, if your thing is authenticity, and so you distill it on day B, choosing a natural bridal bouquet and handwriting texts for wedding invitations one by one , this is your tanning method! To avoid damaging the skin or use dyes or chemicals, you can use DHA (dihydroxyacetone), a derivative of sugar cane that comes into contact with the keratin of your skin and reacts.

It does not affect melanin and that is why it is a completely innocuous method. Now, it should be applied in a specialized center after a peel and hydrate the skin in depth. It is a perfect measure if you are going to sunbathe equally, because both options are compatible.

Use self-tanner
The best thing about this method is that you can do it alone at home and for a more than affordable price . Get into it with clean skin and preferably at night , when you finish with the work routine and after finalizing details of the fun ideas for the wedding you are preparing. Go to bed with loose and dark clothes, so as not to dirty the sheets, and remove the excess in the morning shower.

Choose the format that works best for you: spray , cream or wipes. Very important: you must distribute it in a uniform way so as not to leave spots on the surface. Be disciplined with the applications and repeat them until you acquire the desired tone. Once achieved, space in time the application of the product to maintain the tan.

Airbrush ink
When micro pulverizing a dye on the skin , the airbrushed tan gets the melanin itself activated and also expands a moisturizing product. It is done in specialized centers with care not to affect body folds to avoid leaving white marks.

It is a great option to homogenize the bikini line , if you have already sunbathed, and unify the tone. You have to wait eight hours for the product to take effect for the first shower, and the duration of the tan is about five days.

Can you imagine the amazement of the guests to see you so spectacular? You will dazzle! As will also those original ideas for weddings that will undoubtedly leave all your loved ones with their mouths open. Take advantage of the magnificent color that your whole body will have to dance the songs for weddings with absolute freedom. Let yourself go: you will be beautiful in the photos!

10 golden rules to lose weight in a healthy way

10 golden rules to lose weight in a healthy way

This article presented by ss wedding photography trichy. Improve eating habits and practice sports are the keys to get rid of those requites more effective and healthy before your wedding. Ready? These tips will help you achieve your goal.

If you are in full organization of your link and want to lose a few kilos it is important that you focus on food. Do you remember the phrase "if you want different results you should do things differently"? Well, you should apply it to your day to day, avoiding falling into the "rescued" miracle diets that, in most cases, tend to have a "rebound effect". The best weight loss plan is one in which weight loss occurs gradually. With a little time and effort, you will be radiant in a mermaid dress with a beautiful heart neckline, which you will wear with high-heeled bridal shoes to further stylize your figure. Or in the case that you are the promised, so that you look good with your Groom suit , even if it is a slim model .best kalyana mandapam in coimbatore

Where to start? Very easy! Following these practical tips you will have the guaranteed success whether you have to do regimen only you or if you are going to do it as a couple. 

1. There are no prohibited foods
The menus of any diet should maintain the ideal balance between vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. Do not exclude any large food group . The key is in balance and, also, in moderation. In fact, consuming a wide variety of nutritious foods, including fats (provided they are not trans or saturated), helps to satisfy you and, therefore, prevents you from overeating. For example, do not hesitate to enjoy fatty products during the diet, such as nuts, salmon or avocado. The key is not to abuse them. If you want a predetermined diet, it is best to go to a professional to advise you individually.

2. Heat deficit
To lose weight there is no other way that your body burns more calories than it ingests: the so-called caloric deficit. And there are two ways to achieve it: decreasing the calories you consume and / or increasing your metabolic rate through regular exercise . But remember that the body needs different expense depending on sex, height, weight and level of physical activity.

3. You have to sweat ... Long live physical activity!
There are no excuses. Perhaps the organization of the wedding is stolen longer than expected, especially if you have decided on a homemade wedding invitations , done thoroughly one by one, or you are looking for inspiration and endless ideas for the photo call , but if there is a Well invested time is in health and regular exercise is the formula of success.

Keep in mind that the amount of energy you will spend practicing sports will be determined by the intensity and duration of it. The aerobic exercise like running, swimming, walking or cycling light are those who consume more energy. Every effort will be little to make you look divine on day B with the straight wedding dress chosen for the occasion or the tight Hugo Boss suit .

4. Tips to satisfy yourself
Diet is always associated with starvation, although nothing is further from reality. Keep in mind that the key is not so much in the quantity, but in the quality of the food. You have to know how to choose and always opt for those who have a low caloric intake. Besides, did you know that spices have a satiating effect ? In addition, many are fat burners, such as curry, cayenne pepper or turmeric. So season your recipes with them. And, between hours, take infusions . They will be great allies when it comes to taking away your sensation of hunger.

5. Say "no" to heat ies v ACIAS and "yes" to green vegetables
The industrial bakery, flour, alcohol, sugary soft drinks ... These types of products provide a lot of energy without hardly providing nutrients , so you should give them up if you want to lose weight. Obviously you can bet on them in the celebration of the link, because there are endless ideas for candy bar of the most tempting. But avoid them, at least, for the moment. In the day to day it consumes at least 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables. And remember: green vegetables are the best to lose weight.

6. Attention to drinks!
On average, an adult person needs to drink about 8 glasses of water a day although, of course, if you exercise you should hydrate yourself more. Do you want to consume other drinks? Think that shakes, industrial fruit juices, soft drinks or alcoholic beverages are an important source of calories . Try to limit your consumption because, you know, everything adds up!

7. And, of course, do not give up social life
The restaurants every time have gastronomic proposals more healthiest . Select dishes with less heavy culinary techniques, that is, raw, grilled, steamed or baked . Run away from the batter and the fried ones, and ask for the sauces and dressings to be served separately. For dessert choose fruit and try to moderate with bread and, as we said, with caloric beverages.

8. Compensates for excesses
It is not always easy to be equally constant. So if you have spent a bit on food, for example, dinner lighter to compensate the total calories ingested . It may be a bit complicated to be as much as you want, but when you start to see the results, it will have been worth the effort.

9. Sleep at least 7 hours a day
Sleeping little negatively influences the weight, because there is a direct relationship between sleep and metabolism. So in your daily "diet" you should consider sleeping between 7 or 8 consecutive hours. Otherwise, the body will have more difficulty burning the calories consumed.

10. Graphic memory
To help you in the diet there are different methods. One of them is to take photographs of the process, as it is very motivating to check the change . Another trick is to place a motivating phrase on the refrigerator door. It can be very useful in case you want to give yourself "a whim" at some point. 

As you can see, following a diet as balanced as possible and practicing exercise on a regular basis only has benefits and, among other things, will allow you to have a more awake mind. A great help when it comes to selecting the most current wedding songs to sound the great day, for example, and to choose the best wedding details . The big day is coming!

Friday, 3 August 2018

25 models of wedding rings

25 models of wedding rings

They represent love, commitment and are the central point of the marriage celebration, for this your future husband and you want them to be perfect. We teach you the models and designs to find the perfect rings of your yes, I accept!
Just as the engagement rings initiate a stage of illusion, plans and materialize an agreement between the couple, the wedding ring seals the promise of building a life together and is the symbol adopted since antiquity to formalize love and conjugal fidelity . Between the wedding preparations, after participating to relatives and friends by means of marriage cards and deciding on the theme they want to be the central axis of their decoration for marriage, it is important to have a time to choose that ring that they will exchange in the moment of the vows and accompany them forever. We present a selection of models and possibilities of marriage rings to find that they will wear from here on.
Between the two
Keeping in mind that both lovers are going to wear this jewel for the rest of their lives, it is very important that both parties participate and find a ring model that fits their tastes and preferences . Although by tradition the wedding rings are usually the same, it is now very common to find different models for the bride and groom, which allows a little more flexibility in the design, giving a more sober and manly character to them and leaving something more Free to make engravings, incrustations of stones or filigree constructions in the rings of them, taking care that both jewels keep harmony.
Material’s list
Among the most frequent and appreciated metals for these jewels are gold, silver and platinum. The rings of marriage in gold, are the most traditional and used not only for its beauty, but also for the spirituality that contains this metal translating as the carrier of good luck and prosperity for the couple. The malleability and nobility of this metal, allows to create fantastic designs from simple rings, to elaborate forms with engravings, figures and incrustations of stones, especially diamonds that combine very well and give the jewel a touch of exclusivity. For couples who love this material but are looking for a more modern style, the white gold wedding rings are perfect.
They give resistance, exuberance and refinement allowing the subtlety of the shine in silver. In that same order the marriage rings in silver as well as in platinum have taken a lot of force in recent seasons, especially among couples with a more urban personality, because they present the virtues of a precious metal while at the same time giving a modern and contemporary image .
With or without stones
As we mentioned earlier, this will absolutely depend on the taste of the couple. They can afford to have a smooth ring or with pavé engagement with diamond sparks if their trend is more discreet or include larger stones in the design of the ring getting a more eye-catching model. In addition to diamonds, hoop designs also include the option of emeralds and rubies that give vivid sparkles to the jewel or zircons and turquoises in a more subtle range combining them with bezel or paved setting.
If you are looking for a model of an economic marriage ring, but with personality, you can review sophisticated and modern hexagonal designs , styles with grinding technique that play with the brightness and opacity of the jewel or evaluate the rings with glass inlays.
Playing with colors
Specialized jewelries present in their catalogs a selection of rings with alloys or overlays of various metals that achieve a beautiful effect of color combination creating a truly unique ring. The gold and white gold in concentric rings or the silver ring with gold edges are two of the most frequent and exquisite examples. You can also create models with link type hooks or with a small gear as if they were pieces of a puzzle to achieve an exclusive ring. It is important to bear in mind that unique or more elaborate designs affect the price of wedding rings.
After deciding on a ring design you can go through our section of love phrases and find the perfect words to mark your jewel and turn it into a truly unique treasure, also review the decoration options for the marriage room and make yours reflect both your personality and that of your fiancé in every detail.
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Monday, 23 July 2018

6 tips to get creative wedding photos

6 tips to get creative wedding photos

When you are doing a wedding photography session it is difficult not to fall into the same topics or the same old images, it seems that in this discipline everything is already invented, our frustration comes to the surface when we arrive home with a memory card full of images that do not meet the expectations we had in mind. Is there really no way to stand out in wedding photographs? Standing out from the rest is not easy but neither is it impossible, today I develop 6 tips to get creative wedding photos you will thank them for life!

6 tips to get creative wedding photos

Last week I talked about the essential work team to get wedding photographs of a professional , if you have your team ready you just need the technical touch. As I said it is difficult not to fall into routine, but it is not impossible either, you just have to throw a little imagination and desire, the photographs will emerge by themselves.
Get away from everything you’ve believed so far, use goals you would never use for this discipline, use perspectives that you think would not be convenient, try out compositions from a landscape photograph , it will really be worth it. But to make it even clearer, I’m going to divide the tips to get creative wedding photos in six.
1. Go to workshops
It does not matter that you are already an expert photographer, in this world you never stop learning new things, or will you tell me that the same techniques were used 10 years ago? The truth is that being up to date in accessories and techniques can help you stand out from the rest of the photographers in your area. If you offer novelty and creativity in your photographs, you will become a highly valued photographer , so do not be afraid to attend courses or workshops, as they always give you a new way of working that you had not thought of before.
Keep your mind open and accept that there are different ways and formulas to achieve really amazing results , if you are willing to learn and put into practice the new concepts learned it will be easier to get creative wedding photos that break with everything that is has seen so far.

how to get creative wedding photos

Another advantage of attending photographic workshops and courses is that they not only update you on new techniques or novel accessories that help you take advantage of your camera, but also can help you discover new editing programs and tools
2. Do not try on-site accessories
Surely this year you have added to your work team a new objective, flash or light modifier because they will be perfect to improve your skill and technique, and of course, because they will help you achieve better results , but many fall into the error of using these accessories just the day the photography session is taking place. Although the use of a diffuser, for example, should not be complex in principle, there may be unknowns and problems that you can not afford to fix while the session is taking place.

Adding new accessories for the photography sessions that are presented to you is a great idea, but it will be essential that you try all the accessories in previous photography sessions , especially those that have to do with lighting that are usually the most complex to adapt.
3. Use new compositions and perspectives
As I said, adding new accessories to your team to take photos of creative weddings is an excellent option, but you can also take advantage of the equipment you already have giving new uses .
For example, you can set the LCD screen to monochrome, so although your photographs are taken in color in RAW format you can easily observe the shadows and lights. The colors tend to divert attention from the lighting, which in a photography session of this position should be paramount. If you work with your team while you are watching the scene in black and white you can decide what will be the lights and leftovers from your photos . Make sure your photos are taking color (you can always put them in black and white when you go through postproduction).
Do not be afraid to bend over, get to where you need to, in short, change your perspective . There are many professional photographers who carry a stool in this type of sessions that allows them to reach angles that they would not have thought of at first, so it is easier to get creative wedding photos.
If there is a specific style that you like, such as light painting photography or double exposure, why not put it into practice in this type of photo shoot? The photographs with lightpaintings are very striking and impressive and can be part of the composition being a great way to stand out, creating creative wedding photos. If you want to know how to make photographs with lightpaintings you can not miss this article , you will get it in 6 steps!
Creative wedding photos with lightpainting
And if you want to make lightpaintings to another level, in Pixelstick you have the definitive tool that will help you create creative wedding photos, you will leave them all with their mouths open!
Double-exposure photography draws much attention from the viewer and even between photographers, and although it seems a very complex technique is not. It’s a great way to get creative portrait photographs that go out of the ordinary, in short to break with everything that has been seen so far that is the idea when we take photos of creative weddings. If you want to know how to make double exposure photographs, you can not miss these 8 tricks .
Use all the resources you have nearby and do not be afraid to ask for them. Imagine that you are doing a wedding photography session and an ice cream truck appears that would be great as part of the composition, ask for it! You’d be surprised how kind people can be if you ask for things please.
4. Try to be the second photographer
Being the main photographer in a photo session can be really exhausting due to the pressure that falls on your work, so much so that sometimes our creativity can be seen as an alibi, have you thought about being the second photographer? This does not mean that your prestige is undervalued, but it offers you greater freedom and above all tranquility, to look for new shots or disciplines in which you could not have worked as much as you would have liked due to the pressure that fell on you. As if this were not enough, it is an excellent way to learn different ways of working of other professionals , a new way of seeing things, you can learn new techniques that you can use in your own business!
5. Look for other sources of inspiration
Find other sources of inspiration, admire not only works of wedding photographers, it is also convenient to soak up other disciplines that at first you think have no relationship and looking for the way you could combine with your session to get creative wedding photos . I go even further, you can look for inspiration in another form of art, in fashion magazines, sculptures, paintings … Take advantage of all the resources we have thanks to the almighty Google.
You can also travel to the past and remember the works of important photographers throughout history. They can help you see things from a different perspective, realize how much photographers’ work has changed over time.
6. Change of photographic discipline
Working in the same discipline burns, burns so much that you end up without inspiration because it gives you the feeling that you have already tried everything. Ideally, this point is that you work with other disciplines, that you carry out other projects that allow you to get out of that routine that does not allow you to advance in your photo sessions.
A project that is great for these cases, is the 365 project, the idea is to start on the first day of the year and from there, every day you must force yourself to think of a unique and creative idea, but that does not mean you can start it any day of the year. It will be a great way to get out of the routine, you will find new ideas that you can put into practice in your creative wedding photos. If you want to implement this project, you can not miss the tips of this article .
If you still can not free yourself from this creative block, you can not miss this article full of ideas and super useful tips that you will appreciate so much to take photos of creative weddings as for any modality that is provided.
I hope these ideas help you get the creative wedding photo shoot you had in mind. If at first you do not get the results you expected, do not despair! Based on trial and error, the best professionals are trained. Do not forget to share your creative wedding photographs with us, either here or through our social networks

Flat shoes for brides

Flat shoes for brides

One of the first posts that we upload to this blog was talking about brides with flat shoes , and today we want to return to the topic. Because back in the 90’s, getting married without wearing heels was something very rare, most brides chose to wear it even if it was tiny. We know that the heel stylizes and is in our mind what makes us look more groomed and feminine (beliefs inculcated), but the truth is that the flat shoe can also be a very good option. For brides with an informal style, hippie or boho weddings, very high brides (or with short boyfriends), pregnant, or simply those who do not like to walk in heels because they do not feel comfortable. If you are any of them, be careful because we come back with a review of different proposals of flat shoes for brides .
A classic but not classic: Dancers
For the most classic brides is an indispensable but the ballerinas and manoletinas can be of very varied styles. With a rounded or pointed finish; With bows, pearls or diamonds; in white, ivory, champagne, pale pink or other more striking as blue, green, purple, yellow or red; Smooth or printed for lovers of animal print, or with polka dots in the most flamenco style. And for different options, there are also open models on the sides and made with semi-transparent material or, of course, ballet dancers of real ballet, with the lacing on the ankle.
Glamorous or ethnic slippers
If you like everything with an exotic touch and you want to make a difference, you can try some slippers decorated with floral themes, geometric or with some bright elements. If your wedding has a more rural or boho-ethnic theme as it is worn now, you can find fringes with fringes, feathers or stones that give it a peculiar and very original air.
Comfortable and fresh with flat sandals
If you celebrate the wedding on the beach you probably do not plan on going in heels, a good solution in these cases are sandals but not only in that scenario, you can find them in a wide variety of cuts and styles: square heel (tapilla), with metallic appliquĂ©s, with simple strips, Roman style, with rhinestones … etc.
Traditional espadrilles with style
Recently we have seen this traditional footwear on the catwalks combined with lace and precious details. The result can be really beautiful and delicate, there are wedges but also flat, so if you are looking for something simple, cool, comfortable but sandals do not convince you, this is your option.
True to your sport or rock style
Of course, there are also those who do not take off their sports for nothing in the world, and can not be belittled as footwear “shabby” or “cheap” because there are models of a very high value and move a multitude of followers. There are also the typical converse that are not so rare to see at weddings and are “cuquis” and funny as something more informal and youthful. For those who go a step further and want a rock, punk or grunge wedding, there is always the possibility of putting on boots, although better than summer.
As you can see, choosing flat shoes at the wedding does not limit your options any more, it is simply a matter of finding the model that best suits your style and the general theme of the celebration.

Accessories for the bride’s hair

For the day of the wedding, the brides take pains to get the perfect dress, the most glamorous shoes, the most precious jewels … but what about the hair? For years the most common option was to pick it up in a classic bow with a fork that adorns and holds the veil. But things have changed, and a lot, now there are a thousand and one options of hairstyles for brides, from more classic to more risky depending on the style of the wedding and the tastes of the protagonist. Here are some options to decorate the hair on the big day:
Did you know that this tradition was initiated by the Arabs? Spain has had its influence for centuries and that is why, in ancient times, when women married, their hair was adorned with leaves and orange blossom, this symbolized purity, chastity and happiness. About five years ago, the fever began with the wreaths at weddings, bigger, smaller, showy, romantic, hippy, boho-chic … etc. Endless possibilities. And although this trend seems to be maintained for decades, this season is more the discreet natural adornments, distributed by the hair, like little flowers caught in braids. You can choose silk flowers, preserved, natural, tulle … always in line with the dress and the bouquet. The results are precious.
Pins or appliqués
These precious accessories of rhinestones bring the touch of grace to the hair without recharging. They are a perfect choice for vintage weddings and the most appropriate solution to hold the veil, although you do not need to wear it to look a nice pin. Decorated with flowers, with precious stones, swarovski, or the trend that has returned this 2018: the pearls to decorate manes and collected.
Tiaras and headbands
As we said above, the wreaths are not worn as much, but the fine tiaras and tiaras to beautify hairstyles and collected. They remain beautiful in very short haircuts like the pixie or the bob, leaving it loose. In natural motifs with flowers and leaves, made in copper tones or complement-jewel type, they are very versatile and easily combinable. Choose the one that best suits your style and the theme of the wedding.
A must of this season are the ties, they have jumped from the catwalks to streetstyle and from there to the nuptial world. They are used to decorate pigtails, braids or hold semi-collected, favoring the feminine and coquettish side of the bride who wears it. A simple a priori complement but with which an effect is achieved that does not happen at all unnoticed. There are various materials and different colors but white silk is very romantic and fine.
The very elaborate and striking headdresses, the hats and hats have been thrown aside both in brides and in guests. The freshness, simplicity and delicacy will send these next seasons.

Origin of some wedding traditions

In previous posts we talked about how to organize the honeymoon , to choose the wedding cake, the types of bridal bouquets … we even did an infographic with peculiar customs of different countries and cultures . But today we want to ask ourselves where these traditions that we have most deeply rooted in our culture come from and which we consider normal in the celebration of weddings in Spain.
The new, the old, the blue and the borrowed . Let’s start with something very common, surely of this you already know the meaning. It is said that on the day of the wedding, the bride must wear something new, for the new stage that begins; something old, for what it leaves behind, the past life; something blue, because it is associated with fidelity and commitment; and something borrowed, which must be from some other nearby woman who is happily married and with some symbolism to give her luck.
Blue handbag with embroidered detail
Throw the bouquet. Some people place their origin in the Arab culture where the white flowers of the bouquet were given as a symbol of fertility and other versions believe that it may come from a French tradition of the fifteenth century in which it was believed that it was lucky to take a piece of the dress of the girlfriend. The current symbolism is clear, it is about “passing on the witness” and choosing who will be the next to marry. There is someone who throws it or who prefers to hand it directly to a specific person.
Organize a wedding Throw the bouquet
Throw rice. In this case it is agreed that the tradition would have its origin in the East where rice is the mainstay of their diet and also a symbol of prosperity and fertility. So when we throw rice to the bride and groom on their way out as husband and wife, we are wishing them good luck and a prosperous life. More recent is the custom of throwing flower petals but it also has a similar meaning since they are related to happiness.
Throw rice
White dress. The meaning of this tradition is known by almost all, formerly associated with the bride came virgin to marriage and the white represented its purity. That in Western or Christian countries because in Islam black is the color that purity represents and in oriental countries like Japan or India it is traditional for the bride to wear red.
Bridal fashion
Types of wedding dresses
The veil. Dressing this accessory could respond to a superstition if we go back to ancient Rome. then it was believed that it frightened the evil spirits away from the bride because they would be jealous of their happiness.
Original weddings
The wedding cake Another tradition that could come from the Romans, it seems that in classical Rome was custom to break a bread on the head of the bride to wish happiness, then the guests ate the pieces. Later, in some parts of Europe such as France and England, the guests brought sweets for the bride and groom as an offering, they blessed them and then shared them among all present.
Cut the cake
Exchange of alliances. A beautiful custom that also comes from many years ago, it is believed that the Egyptians already “sealed” the union in marriage with rings as a symbol of love, dedication and fidelity. The fact of placing them in the ring is believed to come from the Greeks since according to them that finger communicated directly with the heart.
Exchange of rings
Honeymoon. It could have two explanations, the first and simplest is that it is the first night of weddings and should be associated with a sweet moment, like honey. But the origin could be due to the Teutons (Celts who lived in Germany in the Middle Ages) who celebrated weddings at night with great parties under the light of the moon and, to recover from the dreaded hangover, they took water with honey as a remedy.
Honey moon trip
On the left. Maybe you have overlooked it but the bride should always sit to the left of the groom, either at a church or civil wedding. A possible explanation comes from the medieval era, when the couple kidnapped the ladies. They needed to have their right hand free and ready to wield the sword and get up to fight if the family of the bride came to rescue her.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

8 things to be selfish with on the day of your marriage

8 things to be selfish with on the day of your marriage

It sounds strong, but yes, in some cases it is allowed to be. And is that, although they want, can not be the most generous boyfriends in the world, as this will complicate the organization. Many times being practical and a bit selfish can be the solution.

When they plan the day of their marriage they do so thinking about pleasing most people, and they make a great effort so that everyone can enjoy and feel comfortable. They look for the most cozy decoration possible marriage, the most beautiful and tasty wedding cake and the bride cares to look beautiful with a wonderful wedding dress that she has chosen delicately. But to consent to everyone is impossible and can be exhausting. In addition, there are some things in which it is permissible to be selfish on the day of your marriage, and this attitude can greatly ease the burden on the organization of marriage.

Civil marriage, non-religious

This is a subject that only you should resolve. Although many people in your family oppose you to decide for a civil marriage instead of religious, here you must be selfish and always opt for what they have agreed behind closed doors . Also, wearing a nice wedding dress for the civilian will be just as exciting for the bride as if they were married in the Church. The symbolism you bring , not the place.

Children in marriage

Perhaps for many of your guests it is easier and more convenient to invite them with their children to the marriage, but this can mean an extra expense that they do not have considered, because if there are many, they should hire a person to take care of them and rent games to that are entertained. All this can complicate a little more than the account, so it is a good reason to be selfish and choose to make a marriage without children.

Marriage away

Maybe they dream of a marriage outside the city, in case they live in it. You will hear many suggestions about getting married nearby to facilitate the transfer and not make an extra expense. But in this case they have every right to be selfish, since this is their big day and they deserve to do it in a locality that meets their expectations.

If what they have always wanted is a country wedding decoration , then the place indicated is the field although it does not please all its neighbors; the same happens if they get married on the beach. Turn a deaf ear to such a suggestion and opt for that place in which you have always dreamed of setting up your marriage.


Whether inspired by the sea, romantic or Chilean, the theme of the event should be exclusively the taste of the couple , because they are celebrated. You can fill the decoration as you like, play with some wedding decorations , and the colors that represent them and decide how you will decorate the bride and groom's cup and not your family and friends.

Guests with or without a partner

Another good reason to be selfish, since inviting everyone with a partner can be twice as expensive, so if you want to lower costs a good alternative is to invite single friends without a partner, and thus build a good single table and, by the way, blind dates.

Wedding dress and groom's suit

It is you who should feel comfortable with what you will use that day, no one else. If a wedding dress without back is not what your neighbors expect, do not give up, since it is your chance to look like you always dreamed . And if the groom wants to wear an elegant black tuxedo with a humita and be the most distinguished of the party, then everyone should accept it and not comment on it.

Being selfish does not mean that you do not care about your guests, but that you are being generous with yourselves in some specific topics such as the design of the marriage rings that will be exchanged or the meaning of the love phrases that will be spoken at the time of the vows, in other aspects. It is time to start worrying about you and that is what you should keep in mind for the day of your marriage.

Monday, 11 June 2018

4 things you should keep in mind for your wedding makeup

A marriage is a very important event for most women , so they want that day to be perfect and look more beautiful than they are, but how to achieve that? Well, everything is in the makeup .

Knowing that, lines below we tell you some things that you should keep in mind so that you look fabulous that day:

1.- Prepare your skin
To make your complexion look beautiful in that event, it is ideal that two weeks before you perform a facial that helps exfoliate your face.

2.- Analyze the station
It is important to take into account the weather, because this way the person in charge of makeup will know how to choose the ideal base, concealer and powder.

3.- Do not try new products
In your wedding it is important that you feel comfortable and the best way to get it is using lipsticks and other things that you feel comfortable with.

4.- Mascara
For that event you will need a waterproof one anyway and to make sure you do not cause problems it is recommended that you do a makeup test weeks before.

Sunday, 10 June 2018

How much do I have to spend on a wedding gift?

The new weddings have made us rethink the formula of ‘cover the price of the roof’ that became fashionable in the 90s
Among the different things that can make us ‘look bad’ in a wedding , one of the most often concern the guests is to fall short with the amount of the gift of the couple, whether it is a gift chosen from a wedding list or a bank transfer. A formula that is often used, for the bulk of guests who do not have a very close relationship with the couple, is to cover the value of the cover to help reduce the total expenses of the wedding and more specifically the treat that usually takes the biggest pinch of the budget.
Now, how do we calculate the value of the cover? Spain is one of the most generous countries when it comes to giving a couple who marries (according to a study by American Express, in the United States the average is usually around € 80, the same number as other European countries such as Holland according to a 2012 ssweddingphotography report ), although, unless you possess extraordinary detective skills, this calculation is usually more of an approximation than an exact figure; the price of the menu varies ostensibly from one ceremony to another even within the same space of celebration, and the way to calculate it without asking indiscreet questions usually begins by knowing where the courses of the celebration will go with the invitation, which usually marks the style, label and even dress code of the wedding.
In spite of everything, the total cost of the banquet is variable: it influences the number of guests but also if the price of alcohol and free bar are included, as well as the cocktail and the recipe, the valet, the decoration and the quality of the food. In Spain, the economic comeback of weddings has grown exponentially in the last three years: according to the Millennial Brides report prepared by the IESE Business School for Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week, in 2014 Spanish couples went back to spending the same as in 2010 at their weddings, surpassing the € 16,500 total expense, 31% more than the previous year, although still far from the more than 20,000 we spent at the beginning of the 00s. Of that average amount, approximately half would be the cost total of the banquet: the individual price of the cover is usually between 100 and 150 €.
This amount should be analyzed with certain reservations, since not all the guests spend the same, nor are they expected to do so. Pulling up, those who usually exceed that number are close relatives, especially parents (often the most generous with their gifts), and also uncles and brothers, or close friends of the couple. In these cases, the value of the gift can exceed € 200 or, depending on the region, the 300. On the low side would be, for example, relatives with children(four guests, at € 150 the covered, raise the total gift to the not inconsiderable amount of € 600 for the whole family), the younger guests and guests who come from a different city, adding the cost of the trip and the accommodation of the party dress and the gift of the bride and groom; In all these cases, the value of each guest’s gift may be a little lower, although it is advisable not to fall below the minimum price of the cover. That is, € 100.
And what about alternative weddings? This is one of the main problems of following the tradition of making a gift equivalent to the price of the cutlery: today there are many ways to get married, and this applies to all aspects of the wedding, including the way in which it is celebrated. . From intimate weddings with few guests, to express weddings, weddings that are practically held in the living room of our house(ours or someone else’s), or destination weddings that take us to the other end of the world: in many of these cases, the rule of ‘cover price’ is not applicable and what comes into play is the relationship with the couple and the personal situation. In general, the closer, more disbursed: think of the four basic types of wedding guests (1. coworkers, 2. friends, 3. close friends, and 4. family), and adjust your budget depending on what place on the scale you are

7 things that every woman should do before getting married

We are sure, that before joining your life with the person you love, you can enjoy your life alone to the fullest. Take advantage of every moment you can live to put a different flavor to your life is essential to feel full and happy. Look at these 7 things that every woman should do before getting married . Take them into account!

1. Traveling alone
Anywhere in the world! This will show you that you are able to survive without the help of any person, which will give you security and, therefore, your personality will be reinforced to undertake any personal challenge. It is essential that you achieve to enjoy yourself, to know yourself, to know what you like, what scares you and how you see yourself in your life. It’s a great survival test. Dare to do it! Know the reasons why getting married is a great idea after living together .
2. Be clear about your goals in life
It is important that you stop for a moment and begin to think about all those dreams you have in mind to fulfill. Surely many of them you can do as a couple, but there will be others that you would like to do alone. These objectives must be clear and know that once step is taken, you will not be able to turn back. So do not let something like that cause you frustration. Venture to fulfill your dreams!
3. Live alone (at least for a while)
Before getting married, you must know yourself and know how to react to certain types of situations, which you will not be able to face except living alone. With this experience you will gain an unparalleled experience, and that is that you will leave your comfort zone to face the reality: cooking, washing clothes, laying the bed, paying the bills, etc. Many of the women skip this step, but those who have lived it know that independence is the best thing that can exist in this world. We recommend you read the experiences you should have with your partner before having children .
4. Close possible sentimental circles
Before a woman marries, it is important that the love relationships of the past are completely closed . Do not be afraid to solve any problem that has been left unresolved to forget them completely. Because you should not carry with you memories of the past, since it can prevent you from enjoying your married life to the fullest. If you have nothing to clarify, do not waste your time and concentrate on your new life. You may be interested in reading about the promises that every woman should make if or if before marriage .
5. Cooking (the basics, at least)
You do not have to become a professional chef, but you do start experimenting in the kitchen and start creating delicious dishes. At this point, you can lean on technology, where there are thousands of recipes and tutorials to make exquisite recipes . In this way, you will find the point and you may even like it.
6. Understand that there are no fairy tales
It is important to be clear that movie relationships do not exist, and that you will encounter problems that you will have to overcome. You must create a happy ending every day and appreciate the moments you spend with your partner. Loving yourself is the first thing you must cultivate so that you can be happy and have a lasting relationship. You may be interested in the promises that every woman should make to her husband: you will be surprised .
7. Have control over finances
Control spending according to the income you receive. Stop spending on things that you may not need and that you can invest in something more productive. Be clear on what you spend your money and how much you save. Thus, you can know how you handle money and in your married life will be a plus without a doubt. You may be interested in reading about the times when you must remove the engagement ring .

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

10 Steps to Becoming a Full Time Photographer

How on Earth, when everyone is now a photographer, are you going to become a full time professional?

That was a question I posed to myself about 5 years ago. Fast-forward to today and I have just succeeded in making that leap. It has been a wonderful and difficult journey so I wanted to share 10 lessons that I learned along the way.

1. You gotta love it
I have never been very good at job interviews. I do not like explaining myself and I was never passionate about the job. The feedback was always something like ‘that was great Adam but Paul/Charlotte/Greg/Olivia wanted it more’. People always know when we do not love it. Faking it for a while might be possible; but eventually you will let your guard down and get found out. It has never been more important to be genuine, honest and transparent. When a photography journey starts as a hobby and a passion, the credibility will shine through and connect with people.

2. Video

Filming ‘Conquering the Camera Settings’. Ranked No.1 for ‘landscape photography’ on YouTube
Video is at number 2 for a reason. There might still be professional photographers out there who make a living only taking pictures, but there are not many new ones. I just can not see anyway in which a photographer in 10–15 years time is not doing video in addition to stills. Thankfully a photographer has a head start. They understand composition, light, exposure and the gear. Capturing great sound is equally, if not more, important than good footage. Sound is probably one of the biggest challenges for photographers moving into video. Once mastered it will quickly elevate your work. People probably won’t notice, but your films and movies will have a more professional feel.

3. Build a brand
How you brand yourself is a personal choice. Many photographers use their own name for their business. This is fine but be aware of your long term goals. To have the option of selling your business in future, avoid using your own name. My brand is First Man Photography. I use this because when people read my Polish surname, they always get it wrong. The little practicalities are worth thinking about from early on.

Most photographers, whether they are full time or not, are all looking to build a brand. When we dedicate time and energy and pour our souls into our work, we want someone else to see it at the end. We therefore need to draw attention to our work, have people remember it, and remember us once they see it.

Sandsend. Long exposure photography is a key focus of my work
Marketing and branding is a key element to the success of every full time photographer. Choosing to ignore tools like Instagram, facebook, websites, email lists, Youtube, Snapchat, Medium, Podcasts, etc could be a terminal mistake for a business. Even if the business survives on the all important word of mouth and reputation, it will be even bigger with a solid social media strategy.

Building and maintaining a brand never stops. Being a good person who is hardworking, honest, open and approachable, supportive and possesses a little bit of talent will mean there is nothing to fear.

4. Find your niche

A colourful and interesting niche
Life does not reward a jack of all trades. I have learned this the hard way. My interests are wide and varied and my photography is no different. When photography was just my hobby I explored absolutely all genres of the art. Even when I started my YouTube channel the videos I created mirrored this natural mindset. However people like to associate a specialism with a particular photographer so there are not many successful ‘all rounder’ photographers out there. Try and focus your brand down onto one or two genres. I am known for my landscape photography and macro water drop shots and I try to maintain focus on that. It is however possible to run more than one brand where you can expand your business or interests. The wedding side of my business, for example, does not feature on my YouTube channel and sits on a separate website.

5. Ignore conservative photographer
Conservative Photographer is a character to represent photographers who succeed by putting people down. I have written about him in detail before but he will do everything he can to stand in your way and make life difficult. He will appear supportive, whilst ripping your work apart under the banner of “critique”. He will comment negatively about your work or style without directly mentioning your name. He will run Google Adwords on your name so his website appears above yours when people search for you (this is a modern day equivalent of sticking your flyer over the top of the competition’s). He will call you naive to discourage you from trying. He is rude, unpleasant, dishonest and does not particularly care about his clients.

The lonely struggle against Conservative Photographer.
The good news is conservative photographer can be easily handled if you know a few other things about him. He is scared, he likes the status quo, he thinks his experience entitles him to continued success. He is afraid you will be better than him, he does not want to work as hard as you and he is also stuck in his ways.

Ignore him, do your own thing and send a little pity his way. Conservative Photographer, your time is done.

6. Figure out your USP
Figuring out what makes you special as a photographer is an important step. What separates you from everyone else and makes you stand out from the crowd? It is a completely personal thing and will be discovered by exploring self-awareness.

Thanks to the twice weekly schedule on my Youtube channel and hundreds of videos uploaded, I became very proficient at turning out 10 minute videos in double quick time. It has allowed me to offer an additional video package to my wedding clients on top of the photographs. The extra work is manageable for me and results in extra revenue from a single client whilst saving them the cost of paying for a full time videographer for the day. It is a unique selling point that has proved very successful so far.

Secondly I pride myself on being a pretty good guy. Having a stream of people in your wake that respect you and want to work with you again is pretty much the key to life. I share knowledge, I am kind, I work hard, I have a modicum of talent, I am interested in you, I am interested in the client and I build and maintain relationships. I want to succeed from a base of positivity and without sticking a knife in anyone else’s back. I am convinced this new social era is when nice guys start to finish first.

7. Ignore the criticism but listen to the market
People are happy to dish out feedback and criticism freely and cheaply. You see it all the time both good and bad. An image is posted on social media and a few people say ‘great shot’. It does not necessarily mean it is. Likewise people attend camera clubs and have their images pulled to pieces by people who take one photograph per month. Both things are completely irrelevant.

The Isle of Mull
Giving feedback properly is an art form. In photography it rarely benefits the photographer by pointing out what is not to like about the image. When dishing out feedback, firstly your intentions should be true. The feedback should not be about you in anyway. What you say should not make you feel better about yourself. Sadly this happens nearly all the time. Focus your feedback on the good points and suggest different things someone could try and be positive overall. If someone asks for your critique it is also a good tactic to ask what they think of their own image. They will often point out all the negatives in their own work for you. It is then just a case of gently agreeing with them and pointing out a few positives, leaving them feeling good.